Por David Adkin | Co-fundador da Adalo
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Quando haverá mais agências e lojas de desenvolvimento que não utilizam ferramentas de código que não utilizam?

Dois anos. Quando você perceber que há uma maneira melhor e todas essas outras agências começarem a fazer círculos ao seu redor, você começará a usá-los.

I would push that out pretty far. The reason I push it up pretty far is because I think there's still more website agencies that use code than no code and that have been using that technology for a long time. I would give it like a 10.

As soon as one or two start talking about it, everyone else is just going to do the same exact thing. So soon.

This ties back to that concept of, you know, where does no and low code start and stop? I believe as no-code tools become more robust, and just as a company mature more to where they have not just the no end low code, but also the underlying growth infrastructure from a partner perspective, you're going to see freelancers, agencies and dev shops begin to adopt these tools. So I believe that that happens over the next one to three years as the no-code community and products within it become more mature.

I think that every freelancer and agency needs to use no-code tools to stay competitive, just starting in 2020. So probably this year already, like we're kind of already there, where it really matters, and people are asking for it.

I'd say there's already a lot of agencies that kind of build both. I think to outweigh maybe like, six, eight, a little bit longer. I think it will take a while.

I feel like the freelancers, especially, are gonna carry a lot of the numbers here. I could see a case where, again, in the next couple years that the tides have turned quite a bit and then more dev shops and more like traditional agencies have to catch up. I mean, probably sooner than we think to be honest.

[Acho que provavelmente dentro dos próximos dois anos.

[Eu o colocaria mais perto dos sete anos, provavelmente quando você fala sobre a maioria, mas eu poderia estar errado.

[Eu digo cinco a seis, não, talvez menos. Eu diria três anos se estivéssemos apenas falando de usá-los em seu fluxo de trabalho.

Próxima pergunta
Quando os líderes globais (isto é, presidentes, políticos) começarão a falar sobre a ausência de código?
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Sobre o Entrevistador
David Adkin
Co-fundador da Adalo | Adoro design, cães, & basquete.
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O Futuro é o livro sem código & Mini-Série - O que todos os especialistas pensam sobre o futuro do não-código? | Caça ao produto Embed