Meu melhor palpite é de três anos porque acho que vamos ter muitas conversas nacionais e globais em torno de reequipamento e troca de mais coisas para o digital do que classicamente foram baseadas no comércio físico e coisas assim. E é simplesmente natural.
That's interesting, because Obama was all about learn to code. I bet we will see something in the next four years if we haven't already.
Yeah, I think that in about two years, we'll start to see a lot more of them using the technology. So the reason I think that is because I have a lot of the students in my program, white label their apps, and I have a few that work in this space, that white label their apps to politicians organization.
So I say a few years and I think it'll show up like they're using it as a way to keep their own costs low and produce products.
Probably follow the schools and colleges. So maybe two years. I like that.
Acredito que isso acontecerá na próxima década, e veremos os empreendedores ultrapassarem os limites do que os governos podem controlar. Você verá essas plataformas, especificamente os produtos sem código, possibilitarem um tipo diferente de empreendedorismo, permitindo que os empreendedores cresçam muito mais rapidamente do que antes.
E quando, do ponto de vista socioeconômico, isso começar a afetar o comércio internacional e a venda de produtos entre fronteiras, e os governos não conseguirem controlar essas transações, acredito que será quando você verá os líderes globais começarem a adotá-las.
I do know that an app that was built with our platform, Adalo, is already in talks with one of the government agencies in Europe. I know that there have been a couple others that have been in final stages of an RFP processes and those kind of things. I don't know that they necessarily knew that they were no-code, and that's okay. But I think no-code will be very important in terms of just job growth, like I mentioned before, and I think that will be what gets talked about most.
I think it'll depend on what type of leader we have. I think there will be newer elected officials that will build apps as a way to grow their footprint. And certainly their teams will be using these platforms very quickly to build and iterate faster.
I would say probably more openly, maybe like, a year, two years.
In the next two to three years again, that kind of timeframe.
[Vou dizer de cinco a sete. A menos que... tudo o que é preciso é uma coisa que a mude. Apenas um grande produto saindo que você conhece?
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