Aplicações da vitrine
Comunidade e Colaboração


Saunté é um aplicativo de compartilhamento de receitas que torna divertida e fácil a troca de receitas.

Perfect for gatherings and events, Saunté allows users to create private groups for each special occasion and share recipes directly within the group for future reference. Saunté takes the complication out of collecting recipes by storing everything in one easy-to-use place, while also allowing users to refer back to past recipes with ease. Users can also create a profile within the app, follow others to get cooking inspiration, share recipes publicly or in private groups and "favorite" recipes directly in the app to save for future cooking.

Using Adalo greatly reduced my time-to-market by streamlining the design & development process. I was able to instantly make changes and create a better experience.

Aplicativos Duet
Especialista em Adalo
Um sistema de pedidos on-line criado para ajudar o restaurante
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