Image Carousel Feature Template

Flip Through Photos with Ease

Create an image carousel in minutes with this easy-to-use feature template

App for Sharing Photos Image
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Benefits of Creating with an Adalo-Made Feature Template

Create an App with No Code Image

Improve Engagement with Your Brand

Create a beautiful app with your products and services at the forefront.

Select Features Quickly Image

Adopt User Experience Best Practices

Adalo Feature Templates are designed by professional user experience designers — so you don’t have to be.

Launch Your App to all devices image

Launch Your App Fast!


With Feature Templates, you don’t have to sacrifice functionality for time! The template works immediately, so you launch faster.

Showcase Images in Your App Image

Create a Stunning User Experience

Any business that is dependent on showcasing images — property management, landscape, interior design — can all benefit from adding an image carousel feature to their app. With this feature template, all the work is done for you!

Showcase Your Best Work

Images capture attention and showcase what you do best. Highlight them in a fun and engaging way to increase your user engagement.


How Can You Use an Image Carousel?


Saúde e Bem-estar

Aplicativos de notícias e clima

Faça a curadoria das últimas notícias ou previsões do tempo em seu aplicativo para manter seus usuários informados

Alimentos & Bebidas

Aplicativos de finanças e criptografia

Conecte-se a dados de nível institucional com as últimas novidades em ações e criptografia


Aplicativos de entretenimento e jogos

Interessado nas coisas mais divertidas da vida? Conecte-se a personagens fictícios ou a listas de filmes

Serviços profissionais

Aplicativos de fotografia

Conecte-se a bancos de fotos gratuitos, como o Unsplash, para selecionar belas imagens em segundos!
Pronto para começar? Confira nosso documento de ajuda para configurar sua API hoje mesmo!

Ainda precisa de ajuda? Contrate um especialista

Os especialistas da Adalo estão prontos para ajudar a levar seu aplicativo para o próximo nível.

Perguntas frequentes

What is a Feature Template?

A feature template is a small set of actions, screens, components, collections, and properties that make up a very specific piece of functionality within an Adalo-made no-code app. Feature templates are smaller than what is traditionally known as a "template" and larger than a screen template. Feature templates are unique in that they can be added to an existing Adalo app and the database will be changed accordingly. Feature templates are dynamic pieces of functionality to create a responsive web or mobile app quickly.

What Kinds of Feature Templates Are There?

There is an ever-growing list of feature templates available in Adalo. From features like chat and browse to other features like purchasing and a social media feed — each template is designed to be fully responsive and customizable.

Here are some of the more popular feature templates to help create your mobile app:

User Chat Feature Template

Appointment Booking

User Profile & Account Settings

Can I Use More Than One Feature Template In an App?

Of course! Our feature templates are made to work with one another. In several of the feature templates, you'll notice they're made with the same branding in order to quickly piece together features and have an app. Even the feature templates that do not share a brand can be used together.